Posted by: namesconnie | November 12, 2011

He Says I am Just Playing A Victim


He says I am just playing a victim,

That’s what he says.

If I was playing a victim,

I would have “offed” myself the moment that knife went to my throat

On the roof of that building in Los Angeles.

If I was playing a victim,

I would have jumped over that bridge

For all the times I remembered the hurts from abuses upon me.

If I was playing a victim,

I wouldn’t notice the sun shining brightly on the sunflower in my back yard that I planted and nature allowed it to grow.

If I was playing a victim,

I would have allowed all those mean and degrading words he said

To get to my mind, my body, my soul –

But I didn’t.

If I was playing a victim,

I wouldn’t care about helping out another person today.

If I was playing a victim,

I wouldn’t be able to get out of bed frozen in fear of what other bad thing could happen to me.

He says I am just playing a victim,

That’s what he says.

But maybe he never took the time

To see that accomplishments aren’t measured in gold

Or diamonds.

That accomplishments have more to do with other than the things you own

Or your prestige you have gained.

That maybe there are things more valuable than

Another dollar you just made.

Things like love and caring and kindness;

Things like spending that extra hour that you really needed to do something

To take the time to listen to someone who really needed to be heard.

To spend time doing things you know for a fact you will get no credit for;

To devote hours upon hours of your time making sure you don’t make someone else a victim

Like others tried to make of you.

He says I am just playing a victim,

That’s what he says.


  1. “He” sure didn’t know much, did he? You are far from anyone’s victim Connie! So wonderfully written as always. 🙂 Hugs, Gabby

  2. Thanks Gabby for your words. Sincerely, Connie and hugs back to you, too.

  3. This is deep… i wish.. people can look into the souls of those who care for them… and then they will know that people ain’t playing. That people are real.. You are real…. your words tell alot.. Wonderful posts…

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